Synopsis of the show: A story of encouragement of overcoming less than perfect circumstances.
Host(s): Brandon Hill and Dustin Fenton
Guest(s): Aaron Morrison
Story parts:
[00:00:55] – About Aaron
[00:01:52] – First job search story
[00:02:40] – Lots of pressures
[00:03:20] – Current employer not willing to give a recommendation
[00:04:40] – Applied to the first dozen interviews
[00:05:20] – Graduated in May 2014
[00:06:52] – Got a job offer after 17 first round phone interview, 11 flights, 18 hours of driving, 4 in-person interviews, 203 job applications
[00:07:40] – Finding hope and then being disappointment
[00:08:48] – What kept you going?
[00:10:00] – “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take” - Gretzky
[00:11:00] – First Lesson Learned – Don’t watch The Walking Dead
[00:12:28] – “Failure isn’t fatal but a failure to change might be”
[00:14:20] – Relationship lessons
[00:15:45] – Tips for finding jobs
Quotes from the show:
“I wanted to share this story for [those in transition] in the middle of this pandemic, which is creating a lot of uncertainty about the future for a lot of people I thought I would share this story as a story of encouragement and an example of overcoming less than perfect circumstances.” [00:02:03]
“At first I was ready and raring, how hard is this going to be” [00:04:37]
“Most people in my graduating cohort had gotten a job” [00:05:36]
“The thing that kept me going, I didn’t want to disappoint myself, I didn’t want to give up in what I believed in myself.” [00:09:15]
“Your sense of vocation or sense of calling does not equal your job description…It is that thing that you can’t not do” [00:11:28]
“Are you so ambition to leave a legacy that what you are going to leave behind is a legacy of ambition that bulldozes your relationships.” [00:13:54]
“Don’t define your sense of worth in your job…there are other and more important markers” [00:16:05]
Guest Biography:
Aaron Morrison is the Assistant Director for the Institute for Leadership and Service at Valparaiso University, where he designs retreats and alternative spring break experiences that help students discern their sense of vocation and calling. He enjoys mentoring, talking about big questions of what makes life meaningful, and gardening. He can be reached at aaron.morrison@valpo.edu or followed on twitter @saaron_morrison.