Synopsis of the show:
A young man’s recent battle with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)
Story parts:
[00:01:52] – Mono?
[00:02:39] – ER visit and diagnosis
[00:04:05] – Johns Hopkins stay
[00:05:47] – A diagnosis and remission journeys
[00:07:59] – Early stages of cancer free
[00:08:20] – How to stay positive
[00:11:00] – The self-development process
[00:12:35] – Discipline of Grace
[00:14:28] – Famous in England – Daily Mail
Quotes from the show:
“The discipline of setting a routine has helped keep the sanity, keep that positivity going.” [00:09:43]
“Allow the discipline to not be a rigor, let it be something that is a freedom.” [00:12:22}
“Give yourself the grace, kindness goes so much farther than ignoring others. The kindness and empathy I have experienced not only from my mother but my nurses” [00:15:02]
Guest Bio: Will Yank
William Yank is a 22-year-old Leukemia patient who currently resides in Baltimore, MD and is finishing stem cell transplant treatment. Hailing from Indiana Will has been fighting for almost two years now. He's charismatic and inspires thousands with his social media posts on Instagram and Tik Tok. He's faced incredible adversity and trauma but is still attacking life head on.
Will’s Daily Mail Article: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-6951141/Model-shape-life-sore-throat-turned-leukemia.html
Will’s Instagram Account: https://www.instagram.com/williamyank/
Will’s Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@williamyank
Will’s TED Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkj4aLkySWY